Highly sensitive empath – How to be woman number one in your relationship

How to be woman number 1 by Julia Noyel

Highly sensitive, empath – How to be woman number one in your relationship

by Julia Noyel


Do you long for a relationship where you have an important place? You are highly sensitive, empath, you want to be woman number one in your relationship? You want your man treats you well, high quality! You want to be his priority. I can imagine how you might feel. In this article, I will share with you 3 tips to be his number 1.

‘Here is my secret to becoming number 1 in your relationship. The solution is in you,
in your attitude, your mindset, your vibrations!’ – Julia Noyel


Here is the secret to be number one in your relationship

I want to share with you a secret. You can be woman number 1 in your relationship! Now! Yes, you can be number one in your relationship here, now!

Here is my secret to becoming number 1 in your relationship. The solution is in you, in your attitude, your mindset, and your vibrations!

(1) Take full responsibility for what happened, what you have attracted, created might help.

(2) Consciously decide what you truly want, wish for, claim your space from this day forward.

(3) Have vibrations thoughts that are in alignment with being number one priority. respect, true deep love, romance.

Remember you are a beautiful woman, sensual, creative, powerful you have an important role in your life, you man’s life.

Feel important, precious will make  you feel safe.  

Always remember YOU ARE POWERFUL. Believe in yourself, your capacity to change things for the better.

In my program ‘get true deep love back-success on all levels’, I  show you how I exactly did this, get your power back, be woman number 1 FOREVER. Discover my program here.


© Julia Noyel 2022. All rights reserved. Photo: VistaCreate, profile picture www.alicedardun.com, Font Sam Parrett