Create a different, happy, healthy & successful life. NOW.

Get true love back into your life. Succeed on ALL levels.


5 steps ‘program to master your life, get true love back into your life’

an intensive Self-Coaching Program 

to  help yourself get true love back into your life.
Success on ALL levels.

1500 EUR + 725* EUR (= 7,30 EUR/day (-: )

Group start planned until 15th September 2024, contact me (limited places/spots: 65), You want to start now, that is possible too! contact me now

Get true love back– Success on all levels

 You want to attract true deep romantic
love into your life? Have success on all levels?

  • You want true deep romantic passionate long lasting love
  • You want to have children while having a true deep romantic loving bond with the person you truly deeply love, a job that makes you happy
  • Get your Passion back, master your life
  • You want to make a sustainable good change in your life NOW, Use your feminine power to reach your goals
  • You want to live together with the person you truly deeply love, be a the best spouse to the person you truly deeply love, best parent live in harmony, have peace in mind
  • You are INFP, highly sensitive, empath, highly intuitive, creative, clairaudient, clairsentient
  • you want to manage your intuitive abilities, feel confident safe
  • You want to change the world for the better
  • Want to have a romantic, passionate deep loving relationship with the person you truly deeply love now while having enough time for your children, success with the work you are deeply passionate about?
  • Reunite with your twin flame definitely
  • You don’t like internet dating and you are fed up with evenings in nightclubs, dating advice?
  • You are older than 35, 40 wanting now finally succeed in having children, a happy family, while doing the job you love!
  • You want to do this your own way, reach your goals now.
  • You are wondering if you expect too much what is wrong?
  • You want to help yourself. Now. Reach your goals!
Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flames

“Deep true romantic love is not a
fairy tale

but a choice.” – Julia Noyel


Go(o)d that you are here…

Get your love life back under control, MASTER YOUR LIFE. be happy, healthy, succeed in your goals!

You have the power to decide over your own life.

In my 5 steps transformative program, I show will show you how you can help yourself, the strategy I have used to get true love back into my life, help you to create your own unique approach to reach your goals.

You do not need to be a master to begin living your ideal relationship!


Imagine you master your life perfectly well


Get control over things, get your power back to...

Fulfill your wish having true romance, true deep love in your life,

Get a deeply loving romantic relationship for a lifetime,
attract the person you truly deeply love, reunite with your twin flame definitely,

Be recognized for who you truly are

Create a happy couple with the person you truly deeply love

Be best parent, pregnant, have children, a fulfilled family life

Earn enough money, a lot of time, get your ideal clients, thrive
in your business on a sustainable basis while having deep love in your life

Master your unique talent as a highly intuitive, INFP, highly sensitive, empath, psychic, creative

Have a well balanced emotional life

Be active to speed up twin flame reunion, impact divine timing & reunite with your twin flame, be together on a sustainable basis

Get a strategy, tools that actually work


Whether you are..

single or in a relationship, on a twin flame journey, wanting to speed up twin flame reunion, your deepest desire is to feel deeply, fully again, you wanna have children with the person you truly deeply love, thrive in your work, earn money with your passion, live together you are here at the right place.

If you are seeking true deep love, happiness, health, success on a sustainable basis, getting true deep love back into your life, this program is for you.

What you will learn

In my program get true love back – success on all levels, I will show you how you can help yourself to get true love back, how I got true love back into my life, the skills you need to reach success in life, master your life perfectly well, how to use your self-management skills to lead a happy, healthy, successful relationship, life on a sustainabe basis. Use your unique talent, own innovative approach to create your ideal life, develop your own strategy to have true deep love back into your life, reach success, now. 

My programs helps you to/you will receive guidance on how to

  1. figure out why, what is truly happening to you, how you will succeed this time
  2. create a deep loving way to create healthy relationship patterns sucessfully, be completely authentic
  3. respect yourself, be respected in your difference, trust, feel fully
  4. create stability, peace, harmony in your relationship with the person you truly deeply love
  5. use your intuition, you sensitivity, your love, kindness in safe ways
  6. feel prepared for your parenting job, being a deep loving mom
  7. realize your project being pregnant now
  8. use your unique talents, your own innovative approach for success in your love life,
    having children, for your work, other areas in your life
  9. discover your gift, master your unique talent, reach your goals
  10. stay true to yourself, live with a man on a sustainable basis
  11. be the wonderful feminine woman you want to be
  12. know how to communicate efficiently
  13. make your life easy
  14. succeed on all levels, set a solid foundation to keep true love on a sustainable basis


Most important features

Master your life, your unique talent

Use your superpower, be truly authentic

Communicate with your heart, mind, soul, body, YOU

Make others, yourself feel ok

Do it your own way: accept your uniqueness

Learn autonomy: free yourself from the thoughts of others

Become a strong, inspiring leader to yourself, others

Help yourself & others

Understand you do not need to be a master to begin living your ideal relationship


1500 EUR + 725* EUR (= 7,30 EUR/day (-: )

contact me        

installment payments possible up to
€1500 (now) + (€725 optional in the 3rd month if you want to continue receive encouragement, tipps for 7 months on a weekly basis) = €2225

A one-time payment of 2225 EUR* (only if you ware sure you want to do the entire program)


3 months (intensive self-coaching 12 weeks)+ 7 months weekly encouragement, one invitation to live webinar, expert articles + video/audio per email inspiration.  

*All my programs can be boughts as 1:1 coaching. This coaching program can be also booked at 1:1 coaching. (1,5h/week 12 weeks by phone or zoom)





I am Julia. Being driven by excellence, perfection, I made it my mission to help people who are romantic, thriving for excellence who want a deep true love relationship, a passionate life for a life time, raising happy, healthy & successful children, a deep fulfilling work to reach their goal finally succeed, create, live their ideal life, a happy, healthy & successful life. INFPS, highly sensitives, intuitives, creative people, empaths, twin flames, I help you to reach your goals in all life areas: a deep romantic true love relationship for a life time, happy, healthy & successful children, a deep fulfilling job, career.

get true love back into your life Julia Noyel




What you need when working with me_true love
Get true love back– Success on all levels

You are ready and you feel sure enrolling in this program is what you absolutely need?!

That’s great! Let’s waste no time and start right away to get true love back into your life!

 What is included in the 5 step transformative program towards TRUE love?

Inspiring Self-Coaching Video/or audio sessions

21 hours content (10months), I share with you the exact strategy (5 steps + BONUS Step) I have used and I will lead you step by step to develop your own innovative approach to help yourself to get back towards true love.
Once per week you will get access to a new chapter to work through to help yourself, including my success tools and my personal advice and secrets for getting true love back into your life, your relationship, and setting yourself ready for attracting your ideal partner for, being happy, healthy & successful in all areas of your life. + optional 7 months weekly encouragement , tipps audio/video, invitation to one webinar, exclusive articles, inspiration.


You will get your Roadbook in small portions once per week by email. You can keep it, print it and work through it over and over again. This roadbook helps you to define your own strategy, to coach yourself. The roadbook is based on my personal experience, intuitive insights I have gained on my road towards true love, my best and most effective tools combined with the expert knowledge I have gained working as a certified coach, professional and corporate trainer, consultant in strategy, leadership and change management, and psychological advisor.

2225 EUR (= 7,30 EUR/day)

€1500 (now) (intensive self-coaching 12 weeks) + (€725 optional in the 3rd month if you want to continue receive encouragement, tipps for 7 months on a weekly basis)
weekly encouragement, one invitation to live webinar, expert articles + video/audio per email inspiration = €2225. The rate includes intensive weekly pre-recorded video/or audio coaching (3months), workbook + optional 7 months weekly encouragement , tipps audio/video, invitation to one webinar, exclusive articles, inspiration.

 Get all the benefits

 Benefits of my get true deep love back – success on all levels coaching program :

  • Learn to help yourself to reach success
  • benefit from my latest intuitive findings on happiness, health, success, intuition, body mind soul
  • Being encouraged, inspired by my own story
  • Be truly autonomous, get clarity
  • Be an inspiring leader to you.rself, others
  • Discover small & huge miracles happen in your life
  • Have control over your life, create, live the life you truly want
  • Learn to use your unique talent for true love, leading a happy healthy, successful life
  • Have a strategy to reach all your goals
  • Increase your awareness, develop your wisdom
  • Help yourself, others
  • Gain my intuitive insights, get your own insights, use them wisely
  • Increase your self-confidence, find your motivation back
  • Concrete, practical, easy, simple, natural tools methods respecting your body, mind, soul, inner child
  • An action plan tailored to your needs


For whom?

All people who want to reach their goals leading their life, true deep romantic love, marriage, children, woman who want to be pregnant, get this in a natural inspiring way, a happy job, enough money, harmony, balance, attract finally the partner they truly love, INFPs, highly sensitives, highly intuitive, creatives, empaths; all people who want to earn money easily in an inspiring way with their unique talent, make this world a better world; all people who want to reunite with their twin flame, speed up twin flame reunion, have finally success, people who want peace, harmony, feel deeply, want to be emotional available. All who want to learn self-management, self-control, Self-Coaching, spiritual mastery work on all levels, thrive for completion, balance, harmony, inner peace, true deep love, a passionate & romantic life, overcome spiritual awakening, sustainable happiness, health, success by mastering their unique talent.

*All my programs can be boughts as 1:1 coaching. This coaching program can be also booked at 1:1 coaching. (1,5h/week 12 weeks by phone or zoom).

***You want to use my approach, teach my tools, program content to others, learn to work with people in truly safe, healthy, protected ways?! Join my program destinated at practionners. This program allows you to teach my program content to your own clients. Fees are 3500 EUR /HT. Contact me for more information. ****

Coach confiance en soi couple heureux parents Lyon hypersensible expat infpHi
I am Julia, I am the founder of art of a different, happy, healthy & successful life, inner SUBSTANCE Coach (focus on Self-esteem & Strong Mindset), a ‘highly intuitive AND creative’, creator of SUBSTANCE-Formula & SUBSTANCEMIND®, expert in body-mind-soul communication with more than 20 years experience in the corporate world, business consulting, leadership in various industries such as finance, service, automotive, IT, luxury, retail sector. I help people who want to lead an ideal life, succeed in having a happy longterm true deep love relationship, having children & thrive in their professional life.

© Photo credit: My profile picture quote –, Aurélie di Pietro, Julia Noyel, Font by Sam Parrett, © Julia Noyel 2022 Copyright. All rights reserved.