How to cleanse from bad karma

How to cleanse from bad karma by julia noyel

How to cleanse karma

by Julia Noyel

You are wondering how to  get harmony, joy into your life?


What is karma about?

Before talking more in detail about karma, how to cleanse from bad karma let’s see what karma is. There have been a lot of things written about karma, however in this article I share with you how I define Karma based on the experience and insight I got during my spiritual awakening.

In the traditional definition of karma it is something you NEED to go through. Karma is seen as a result of a person’s actions carried over life times.  This would mean what your past life incarnations have done in past life you would need to ‘pay for’ or ‘be recompensed’ in this life. I believe being compensated for good actions is good, however, if your past incarnations did things that are not the best, you should have the chance to do good things. You want to feel powerful, create a life full with true love, happiness,  health, success. Have control over your life, create your life  based on true love happiness, health success, have a perspective that helps you lead as well impact your life in good ways.

You do not do good things to get a good karma but because you are a good person, because this is human to do good things, natural (normally), because this is who you are truly. A good kind person.

You want to live a life based on love not fear, if your motivator to do good things is fear of getting a bad karma that is not the best.

According to my intuitive insights Karma comes from past life failures and traumatas that can be (re)solved in this life.  Each person, each being has the right to get a new chance, be forgiven, do good things, do things better, leading a happy, healthy successful life, believe in good luck, happiness, lead your own life, create true love, happiness, health, success helps. 

How to cleanse from bad karma

So the question is how to cleanse from bad karma? Let’s see 3 strategies I have developped to cleanse oneself.

1) Be clear about who you truly are

I personally believe Karma is something you don’t need to go through. Because each person is different, the life you are currently living is a new chance to be the best version with love, kindness. Know who you truly are.


2) Be a wise  & inspiring leader

Be a wise leader to yourself, others. Understand what happened in past, do good things, take a new healthy perspective, create balance, peace, forgive yourself, others helps.

3.) Understand past pain & release it

Clarify your role, understand you have the power to impact things in good ways. An attitude of faith, gratitude, your spiritual talent will help you to have control over your life.

In my program get true deep love back into your life-success on all levels I will show you in detail how to shine, be who you truly are. Free yourself from the tower, lead a happy, healthy, successful life. You can find more information here.


© Julia Noyel 2022. All rights reserved. Photo: VistaCreate, Font Sam Parrett