coach better organise oneself minimalism Lyon Cannes online

Coach better organise oneself minimalism
Lyon Cannes online

You want to better organise yourself, your home, your office, your work, your time, your life! You want to have an external view, new perspectives, find a way that fits who you are that helps you keep being organised your whole life?

Welcome, I am so happy you are here!

Julia Noyel Coach Intuitive Hypersensible, INFP creative empath, amour couple Lyon

My name is Julia Noyel. I am the founder of the art of a different, happy, healthy & successful life, certified life coach, inner SUBSTANCE coach (self-esteem & mindset), the creator of the SUBSTANCE Formula. Efficiency, organisation, minimalism are my favourite subjects, I am truly passionate about ! Since I was a child I loved organising, declutter, clean, decorate my room!

Here are the topics I can help you with during a coaching session:

  1. organise your home
  2. organise  your office
  3. organise  your time, your work
  4. have more time for you, your children, the person you truly deeply love
  5. organise your life
  6. optimise your time
  7. be more efficient, work more efficiently
  8. help your children to clean their room, be organised, motivate them
  9. clean your home efficiently
  10. creativity & organisation
  11. declutter your space & life
  12. minimalism
  13. organise your computer, mobile devices

Details coaching better organise oneself
minimalism Lyon Cannes online

I offer coaching sessions by phone, online, face to face (only for daily coaching session, depending on your location, Cannes for instance).

You can choose 2h, 1/2 day (3h), 1 day (6h).

Forfait Coaching (phone or online)

* fees for individuals
Forfait 2 hours
299 EUR* (VAT included)

1/2 day
450 EUR* (VAT included)

1 day 6h
750 EUR* (VAT included)