6 Tips to stay positive and strengthen your immune system in challenging times

Are you aware of how your positive thoughts will affect things positively?

We all know it that are two worlds and two worlds of views if I simplify it here:

1) the rational, material, visible, tangible one

2) the energetical, non-tangible, invisible one (well at least for many people it is not tangible, because for people who work with energy and are very intuitive like empaths, INFPs, highly sensitives, for instance, it is).

We currently get a lot of messages with very practical and hands-on advice to stay safe, do our best in these challenging times. And that is good, really important! Scientists as well as doctors are doing their best to find a solution, and you are taking care of yourself and your family. I refer to this as the first world, the rational one. However, I believe this is not enough. You need also to get concerned about the second world and if you do not know it well, I invite you to take it seriously, as it is particularly important at this time.

keep your vibrations true deep love, watch very closely your thoughts

It is really really important that you keep your vibrations true deep love

and you watch very closely your thoughts. It is really essential that you focus on positive, happy thoughts, life, love.

Here are six tips that can help in addition to factual rational advice (like washing hands) that is proven by the way by researchers, too (-: And even if you do not believe in it, give it a try.

Foster positive thoughts because this will have a positive impact on your immune system:

1) Watch only positive things on TV! Listen to positive music
2) Spread love, thanking, being kind, loving with yourself, people around you
3) Strengthen your lungs, body, mind, immune system, YOU
4) Believe in you.
5) Visualize your happy, healthy & successful presence as well as future every day twice by using all your senses eg. in May you are lying at the beach with your family, you are happy, healthy, you are safe; Remember athletes are doing this all the time!
6) Pray in a positive way

Stay positive, foster your energy on the positive. From my point of view, this is very important (of course take all precautions!). Remember what Einstein said, it is physics. (-:

Check out my program get true deep love back into your life – success on all levels…

This advice DOES NOT replace medical treatment. Please see a doctor immediately in case of problems.

© Julia Noyel 2020, Photo: Pexels.