Coaching 1:1 INFP Highly sensitive empath twin flame intuitive

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flames

Coaching 1:1 INFP Highly sensitive empath,
creative, twin flame intuitive

You want to reach your goals:
love, children, a happy job, INFP, highly
sensitive empath twin flame intuitives,
manage your talent, medium, psychic skills.

I offer Coaching 1:1 sessions for people who want 1:1 coaching,
coaching packages 5, 10 sessions as well as strategic & intuitive 1/2 day (3 hours) coaching as well as 1 day coaching to get together your action plan quickly.

Coaching sessions

My coaching sessions take place by phone or video. Depending on the question, client I choose the most appropriate tools. I work intuitively,
practical, strategically in English, German, French.

Fees: 160 EUR/hour coaching session, contact me. (-:

Feel free to also check out my coaching programs that help you be truly

Topics we can discuss during a coaching

  • self-confidence
  • happy couple, get your ex back
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift
    in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • realise your goals, reach success NOW
  • handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
  • organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes,  expats
  • communicate efficiently, promote yourself
  • create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
  • create your coaching, consulting, training business
  • product development, creating your personal, ceating your business unique value proposition
  • marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
  • change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • be a best parent, raise children
  • have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
  • highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics


Strategic coaching
1/2 day

3 hours (1/2 day) by visio
or phone.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching day.

450 EUR (VAT included) 750 EUR 1 day=(6hrs)

Coaching 1:1

5 sessions

(prepaid 5 sessions
1 hour sessions by visio
or phone (weekly).

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

10 sessions

(prepaid 10 sessions package)
1 hour sessions by visio
or phone (weekly).

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1