INFP highly sensitive – feel feminine

Infp highly sensitive feel feminine by julia noyel

INFP highly sensitive – feel feminine

by Julia Noyel

You are INFP, you are highly sensitive, creative, very intuitive, you want to feel feminine? In this article, I give you my intuitive insights to be more feminine.

“Allow your partner you truly deeply love, who truly deeply loves you take the lead in safe ways “
Julia Noyel

Reconcile with your divine feminine

First intuitive insight I wanna give you is reconcile with your divine feminine. From my own experience what is helpful to feel more feminine is being connected to your divine feminine.

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP, hypersensible, créative, empathe

Ask yourself:  What can I do to be connected, stay connected with my divine feminine?

My tip: Make wise decisions to understand what about your past you need let go, what not.



Allow your partner you truly deeply love, who truly deeply loves you take the lead in safe ways

From my own experience, allowing your partner you truly deeply love, who truly deeply loves you take the lead in safe ways is helpful to feel feminine.

In my coaching program get true deep love back into your life – success on all levels, I will show you how I did this. I show you the exact approach I have used to change things definitely permanently for the better, to feel deeply feminine, reach my goals. You can get your feminine power back. Check out the program here.


Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful lifeI am Julia Noyel, inner SUBSTANCE Coach, highly intuitive & creative, expert in body-mind-soul communication. I believe that anything is possible. My aim is to help you to create a different, sustainable, happy, healthy & successful life. I am specialist in highly sensitives, intuitives, inpf, empaths, twin flames, highly
creatives showing them how they can help themselves, helping them to FINALLY succeed in their life, becoming the best spouse, best parent, reaching their goals having a fulfilling relationship, children, job, AND this on a permanent basis. In my specialised coaching programs, with my books, coaching cards my aim is to share with you tools that worked for me, my deep knowledge & wisdom, intuitive insights, expert advice, personal experience, SUCCESS strategies, help you to use your own innovative approach to become self-reliant, increase self-awareness, be balanced, to create a perfect, sustainable, happy, healthy, and successful life based on mindfulness, true LOVE & romance, raising happy, healthy and thriving children in a mindful, non-overbearing way.

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